Cisco FTD: L -K -O –no-owner –no-group -: Deployments failing.

Deployments to all FTD/FPRs are failing. Transcript details:

Starting Export for Snort

System (/usr/bin/rsync -a -L -K -O –no-owner –no-group –no-perms –safe-links /ngfw/var/cisco/deploy/sandbox/modulepack-pkg/so_rules/ee254ff06d1***4e01515a47 /ngfw/var/cisco/deploy/sandbox/exported-files/var/sf/detection_engines/994fb330-0d6***7520ddc2f872/so_rules) Failed

Root cause: Another issue with SRU. Reference to TAC. Downloaded and applied latest rule to FMC. FTD/FPRs deployments succeeded.

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